We sailed in past Goree Island which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is being maintained as it was and it is beautiful with its original Portugese architecture and then French and after the early 60's independent. There is a restored Slave House on the island and over a million slaves were shipped out from here - horrifying.
How do you like this cell tower disguised as a palm tree?
Senegal is both modern with high rises but also very poor. It is chaotic, dirty but full of vibrant life. There are lots of vehicles, new vehicles and beat up vehicles. We took one taxi and every time the driver had to slow down he pulled the emergency break - I am assuming the foot break did not work. The busses are very colourful and it seems here are always someone standing on the bumper hanging on.
There are horse drawn carts, people on scooters, someone cooking on the sidewalk which is not asphalt or cement but dirt. Sheep are tied to trees, horses stand waiting, people are praying to allah, there are vendors everywhere and they come running and have "very best price, just for you", "very cheap", "what you like? I show you in my shop". I must admit it gets a bit tiring saying "no" so frequently.
It is dry and it is hot - 41 degrees C the other day and the Senegalese insist it is cold. Winter is coming on of course. I can just imagine what June will be like.
A hopeful cat at a restaurant.
Love the blog Soren and I check it at least twice daily, beautiful photos!!